21: Stephan Morais e o Investimento em Portugal

Stephan Morais
Podcast Cruzamento
21: Stephan Morais e o Investimento em Portugal
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Neste episódio do Podcast CRUZAMENTO, Daniel Guedelha e André Correia conversam com Stephan Morais sobre a importância do investimento nas áreas da saúde e tecnologia, do potencial de Portugal e ainda de outras áreas com potencial de crescimento futuro.

Stephan Morais is the founder and Managing General Partner of Indico Capital Partners, a leading venture capital firm based Portugal. Indico focuses on software as a service, artificial intelligence, internet of things, fintech, cybersecurity and digital companies, targeting investments at Pre-Seed to Series A level. Founded in 2017, the team at Indico were previously behind the majority of the Portuguese global tech success stories, as investors and entrepreneurs.
Stephan was formerly an Executive Board Member at Caixa Capital, the Private Equity and Venture Capital fund management company, where he led the most relevant international investment rounds of Portuguese technology companies. He has been a Non-Executive Director and Independent Board Advisor in numerous companies.
With a diversified background as an investment banker, consultant, entrepreneur and CEO, he has lived in 8 countries and 4 continents over the last 24 years. He is also a former Advisor to the European Commissioner of Science and Innovation, Past Chairman of the European Venture Finance Network and Past Board Member of the European Venture Capital and Private Equity Association and Board Member of the International Venture Club. He is an Entrepreneurship Expert with the Entrepreneurship Center at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, an Advisory Board Member at AMROP, Executive Search and Board Member of the Portuguese Private Equity Association (APCRI).
Appointed as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2010, and Member of their Digital Leaders of Europe Community, he holds a degree in Engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (Lisbon), and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. Fluent in Portuguese, Spanish, English and French. He is a YPO (Young Presidents Organization) Member.

Outras referências feitas no episódio:
